nparray.geomspace (function)

def geomspace(start, stop, num, endpoint=True, unit=None)

This is an nparray wrapper around the numpy function. The numpy documentation is included below. Currently most kwargs should be accepted with the exception of 'dtype'. The returned object should act exactly like the numpy array itself, but with several extra helpful methods and attributes. Call help on the resulting object for more information.

If you have astropy installed, units are supported by passing unit=astropy.unit to the instantiation functions or by multiplying an array with a unit object.

See also:


  • start (int or float): the starting point of the sequence.
  • stop (int or float): the final value of the sequence, unless endpoint is False. In that case, num + 1 values are spaced over the interval in log-space, of which all but the last (a sequence of length num) are returned.
  • num (int): number of samples to generate.
  • endpoint (bool, optional, default=True): If True, stop is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included.
  • unit (astropy unit or string, optional, default=None): unit corresponding to the passed values.



numpy documentation for underlying function:

Return numbers spaced evenly on a log scale (a geometric progression).

This is similar to `logspace`, but with endpoints specified directly.
Each output sample is a constant multiple of the previous.

.. versionchanged:: 1.16.0
    Non-scalar `start` and `stop` are now supported.

start : array_like
    The starting value of the sequence.
stop : array_like
    The final value of the sequence, unless `endpoint` is False.
    In that case, ``num + 1`` values are spaced over the
    interval in log-space, of which all but the last (a sequence of
    length `num`) are returned.
num : integer, optional
    Number of samples to generate.  Default is 50.
endpoint : boolean, optional
    If true, `stop` is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included.
    Default is True.
dtype : dtype
    The type of the output array.  If `dtype` is not given, infer the data
    type from the other input arguments.
axis : int, optional
    The axis in the result to store the samples.  Relevant only if start
    or stop are array-like.  By default (0), the samples will be along a
    new axis inserted at the beginning. Use -1 to get an axis at the end.

    .. versionadded:: 1.16.0

samples : ndarray
    `num` samples, equally spaced on a log scale.

See Also
logspace : Similar to geomspace, but with endpoints specified using log
           and base.
linspace : Similar to geomspace, but with arithmetic instead of geometric
arange : Similar to linspace, with the step size specified instead of the
         number of samples.

If the inputs or dtype are complex, the output will follow a logarithmic
spiral in the complex plane.  (There are an infinite number of spirals
passing through two points; the output will follow the shortest such path.)

>>> np.geomspace(1, 1000, num=4)
array([    1.,    10.,   100.,  1000.])
>>> np.geomspace(1, 1000, num=3, endpoint=False)
array([   1.,   10.,  100.])
>>> np.geomspace(1, 1000, num=4, endpoint=False)
array([   1.        ,    5.62341325,   31.6227766 ,  177.827941  ])
>>> np.geomspace(1, 256, num=9)
array([   1.,    2.,    4.,    8.,   16.,   32.,   64.,  128.,  256.])

Note that the above may not produce exact integers:

>>> np.geomspace(1, 256, num=9, dtype=int)
array([  1,   2,   4,   7,  16,  32,  63, 127, 256])
>>> np.around(np.geomspace(1, 256, num=9)).astype(int)
array([  1,   2,   4,   8,  16,  32,  64, 128, 256])

Negative, decreasing, and complex inputs are allowed:

>>> np.geomspace(1000, 1, num=4)
array([1000.,  100.,   10.,    1.])
>>> np.geomspace(-1000, -1, num=4)
array([-1000.,  -100.,   -10.,    -1.])
>>> np.geomspace(1j, 1000j, num=4)  # Straight line
array([0.   +1.j, 0.  +10.j, 0. +100.j, 0.+1000.j])
>>> np.geomspace(-1+0j, 1+0j, num=5)  # Circle
array([-1.00000000e+00+1.22464680e-16j, -7.07106781e-01+7.07106781e-01j,
        6.12323400e-17+1.00000000e+00j,  7.07106781e-01+7.07106781e-01j,

Graphical illustration of ``endpoint`` parameter:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> N = 10
>>> y = np.zeros(N)
>>> plt.semilogx(np.geomspace(1, 1000, N, endpoint=True), y + 1, 'o')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x...>]
>>> plt.semilogx(np.geomspace(1, 1000, N, endpoint=False), y + 2, 'o')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x...>]
>>> plt.axis([0.5, 2000, 0, 3])
[0.5, 2000, 0, 3]
>>> plt.grid(True, color='0.7', linestyle='-', which='both', axis='both')